Git:RPC failed; result=56,HTTP code = 0 错误分析及解决方法 发布 2014-10-13 / 更新 2014-11-14 / 20,664 次 / 沙发被抢 /

摘要:本地工程 push 到远程服务器时发生错误 Unable to rewind rpc post data -try increasing http.postBuffer. error:RPC failed;result=56,HTTP code = 0 。通过Git 命令:git config http.postBuffer 524288000 将 http.postBuffer 值提高到超过本地工程大小即可解决问题。

Runtime Environment
OS: Windows 8.1
Git Version: 1.9.4.msysgit.0
Git Tool: SourceTree Version
在提交一个本地 Git 项目到远程服务器的时候出现错误:
Unable to rewind rpc post data -try increasing http.postBuffer
error:RPC failed;result=56,HTTP code = 0
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false push -v --tags --set-upstream origin master:master
POST git-receive-pack(chunked)

fatal:The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal:The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Unable to rewind rpc post data -try increasing http.postBuffer
error:RPC failed;result=56,HTTP code = 0

Pushing to
Everything up-to-date

Completed with errors,see above.

通过 Git 命令:git config http.postBuffer 查看当前项目默认的 postBuffer 值:

ifeegoo@ifeegoo /e/workspace/IfeegooMusicPlayer (ifeegoo)
$ git config http.postBuffer
本地项目的总大小超过 50M,我们通过 Git 命令:git config http.postBuffer 524288000 将 http.postBuffer 值提高到 500M,然后再次 push ,问题解决!
ifeegoo@ifeegoo /e/workspace/IfeegooMusicPlayer (ifeegoo)
$ git config http.postBuffer 524288000
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